
Tatsuro Maeno was born in 1980 in Hyogo, Japan. After a 4-year training (2000 – 2004) at the prestigious Université des beaux-arts ‘Tama’ (‘Tama’ University of fine arts, Tokyo, Japan) and getting his degree as well as a Bachelor in ceramic arts, he worked for several exhibitions, as much as art director as exhibition curator. Then, he started a career as an artist in Denmark in 2009, from where many of his current designs were inspired. Since 2015, he is at present working for himself, in Japan, for his private studio – TatsuroMaeno Studio Gallery – in Chigasaki / Kanagawa for the greatest luxurious names and his own collections. 兵庫県生まれ。陶芸家。2009年にデンマーク・スケルスコーにある International Ceramic Research Centerに滞在し制作。 その後、コペンハーゲンに移り陶磁器作家として活動を開始。2010年の帰国後に神奈川県茅ヶ崎市に自身のプライベートスタジオ[Tatsuro Maeno Studio ]をオープン。自然に囲まれた湘南のリラックスした風土をエレメントに、スカンジナビアンモダンのエッセンスをミックスした独自のスタイルを表現している。


"Porcelain meets leather" Project with Lisa Pindel

idea skech 1

idea skech 2

idea skech 3

"Porcelain meets leather" Project with Lisa pindel
We are developing a Japanese-Skandinavian styles new product with 
designer Lisa pindel. We plan to combine of porcelain and Salmon Leather !
ノルウェー在住のデザイナー、Lisa Pindel氏と新しい商品開発を行なっています。
磁器とサーモンレザーを組合わせた、新しい Japanese-Skandinavian styleなものを


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